Gynaecological (Pelvic) Ultrasound

What is a Pelvic Ultrasound?

A Pelvic Ultrasound is a medical imaging assessment that uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of the organs and structures within the pelvis, such as the uterus, ovaries and endometrium. This non-invasive and painless procedure provides valuable information about the reproductive organs.

The most common reasons for having an ultrasound are: abnormal bleeding, including bleeding after menopause, pain, difficulty in becoming pregnant and assessment of a suspected lump or cyst in the pelvis. 

Ultrasounds can only be performed when a referral has been received from a Medical Practitioner.

How is the Ultrasound Performed?

Ultrasounds are performed using external and internal vaginal approaches. The internal vaginal scan causes less discomfort than a smear test examination. It almost always gives the best diagnostic information.

Vaginal Ultrasound

This method gives us the most detailed images of pelvic structures. Our sonographer will ask you to empty your bladder before the scan and you will be asked to change into a gown for your comfort and privacy. With internal examinations a sterile narrow, gel covered probe is gently introduced into the vagina. The sonographer will press down on your tummy and gently move the probe to get a good picture of your pelvic organs.

Abdominal Ultrasound

In women and young girls who have not been sexually active or women who don't feel comfortable having a vaginal ultrasound, a transabdominal ultrasound, or an ultrasound through the abdominal wall can be performed. A full bladder is needed. We recommend drinking 750mls of water starting 1 hour and 30 mins before your appointment, this should be finished 30 minutes before your appointment and you will need to retain this bladder volume until your scan is complete.


When should I have my Ultrasound?

For optimal diagnostic Imaging, we like to scan you between day 5 and 9 of your cycle, with day 1 being the first day of your period. This is when the uterine wall is at it's thinnest stage and the best images are obtainable. If the reason for the ultrasound is not urgent the best diagnostic pictures are obtained just after the period has finished.

If you do not have a regular menstrual cycle we can see you at any stage.

I still have my period, can I still have my Ultrasound?

Yes, as long as there is no heavy bleeding or clotting we can still perform your pelvic ultrasound.

If you feel that your period is quite heavy, please give us a call and we will push your appointment forward a few days.

How should I prepare for a Vaginal scan?

Vaginal ultrasound is used to create a clearer picture of your reproductive organs. There is no preparation for this ultrasound although it is preferable to come between days 5-9 of your menstrual cycle.

To make the scan more comfortable for you, you will be asked to empty your bladder before the scan.

How should I prepare for an Abdominal scan?

A full bladder is needed.

We recommend drinking 750mls of water starting 1 hour and 30 mins before your appointment, this should be finished 30 minutes before your appointment time and you will need to retain this bladder volume until your scan is complete.

How do I arrange for a Pelvic Ultrasound?

Once your Doctor has given you a referral you can call us on 03 9521 6777 or email us at to arrange an appointment.

If you get a regular menstrual cycle please call us on day 1 of your period so we can book you in between day 5-9 of your cycle.

How long will the Ultrasound take?

A Pelvic Ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure that typically takes around 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

The duration may vary based on the specific reason for the examination and the complexity of the individual case.